Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Lost Words

Okay, so having avoided the dreaded words lost failures I see so often in the NaNo forums, that streak is sadly at an end. And so begins my worst flash drive experience ever.

I found an all metal 256GB flash drive for a really good price on Amazon. I collect flash drives the way some people collect stamps, coins, etc. I ordered it, and could not wait to use it for the 200K Word Challenge I am participating in this year. Everything was going fine, until about the third time I was using it. My files completely disappeared. WTF??!!??  All the work done towards this challenge, I was ahead on wordcount and building myself a nice cushion for not as productive days down the road. Now, it was all GONE!! Panic mode set in...then I remembered, my files were backing up to One Drive. Unfortuanately, One Drive's copy was approximately 1,100 words shy of where I had been. I am now woefully behind, made even worse by the fact that I had been so far ahead. Makes me want to cry, but instead I will slog on and work to catch up. I'm back at work now, so that will be a bit more difficult. I was making good progress while I was out on medical leave.

I am not giving up, just needed to rant a bit. I will catch up, and I will make goal for the year. This is just more of a challenge at this point, not defeat. Failure is not falling down, it is failing to rise again.


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